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Follow the Vote
Follow the Vote
Political contributions follow the vote, not the other way around.

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Technosavvy Tech-No-Savvy
Turn the light out, dear? No, I’ve still got 27 emails. Work doesn’t end at ...
Eric Leavitt, President, The Leavitt Group
Personal Lines Eric Leavitt, President, The Leavitt Group
I wandered past a sumo competition. The organizer grabbed me...
Obama 2.0—An Insider’s Perspective
Obama 2.0—An Insider’s Perspective
What another term for the Obama Administration means to brok...
The Evolution of Why
The Evolution of Why
Great minds might think alike, but greater minds think differently.
Brokers Look South for New Markets
Brokers Look South for New Markets
Hub International snubs London, but not Sao Paolo.