Public Brokerage

2023 Brokerage Buyer Analysis
Industry 2023 Brokerage Buyer Analysis
A Breakdown of Brokerage Buyer Types
April 1, 2024
In Flux
Industry In Flux
While still healthy, the insurance brokerage M&A marketplace may have to adapt a...
April 30, 2023
Scaling Up, Not Shutting Down
Industry Scaling Up, Not Shutting Down
Q&A with Amrit David, Managing Director, Barclays Investment Banking
October 1, 2021
Global Insurance M&A
Industry Global Insurance M&A
A 10-year look at where the industry is most active
May 2, 2021
Industry Reports Q1 Results
Industry Industry Reports Q1 Results
Brokers focus on liquidity, carriers discuss underwriting losses and other conce...
May 26, 2020
Trevor Baldwin Talks BRP IPO
Industry Trevor Baldwin Talks BRP IPO
“I think if anything, it’s just going to make us a better business because t...
November 19, 2019
New Year, Same Familiar Face
Industry New Year, Same Familiar Face
Private equity continues to drive M&A.
Sponsored By MarshBerry March 29, 2019
The Bubble Continues to Get Bigger
Industry The Bubble Continues to Get Bigger
And a burst is nowhere in sight.
January 18, 2019
Go Big or Get Out?
Brokerage Ops Go Big or Get Out?
Just because everyone around you is getting bigger doesn’t mean you should sto...
November 29, 2018