The Long Walk Home

The Big One will be much worse than you can imagine. It could depopulate California and send the U.S. economy into a tailspin.


Rise to the Top and Back Again
Rise to the Top and Back Again
Whether it’s a dysfunctional mess or the need to grow the business, Christine LaSala has been called upon to shake it all up and make things happen.
Behind the Shift in Pricing
Behind the Shift in Pricing
Data analytics is causing historic changes in the marketplace.
Through a Glass Darkly
Through a Glass Darkly
How your clients view you isn’t necessarily how you view yourself. Which begs the question: is your customer contact working? Or do you just think it is?

Thought Leaders

Engage the Customer
Technosavvy Engage the Customer
Reid French, CEO, Applied Systems
Let’s Talk Dirty
Let’s Talk Dirty
The dirty little secret great business leaders already know.
Wanted: Renaissance Geek
Wanted: Renaissance Geek
Technology is no longer a cost center. It is an essential player advancing your growth.
Are You Special?
Are You Special?
Before you answer, think about how special you want to be.
Business Unplugged
Business Unplugged
Give yourself the gift of stepping away.

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Christine LaSala
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In Oklahoma, the oil and gas industry is clashing with carri...
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XL Catlin’s London connection enables it to customize all sizes of specialty lines.
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Southern Exposure
As Latin America explores more solar energy options, Aspen rolls out its renewables welcome mat.
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