RIMS 2019 Goes Global

We caught up with Kristen to learn how RIMS is evolving and to get a sneak peek into RIMS 2020 in Denver.
We also have a couple of programs to help our rising risk professionals. We have the Mentor Match program which is a new way for RIMS members to seek out, interact with, and learn from leaders in risk management and future leaders in the industry. Both people in the match have the opportunity to learn from each other. We also developed an internship manual for our RIMS members to utilize and help create internships at their companies. Internships are a great way to get students involved. I have been fortunate enough to work with one each summer for the past four years. The annual conference is a great place for the students to meet the future potential employers and secure themselves jobs and internships as well.
Another focus area for RIMS continues to be diversity and inclusion. We had a task force last year to research this topic and we established a formal council this year to continue our efforts. With this, we have created a D&I vision statement and are insuring that we are a welcome and inclusive society.
Technology is evolving to give us additional data analytics and help us to identify trends that are out there. Risk managers are able to access information better to make decisions and recommendations for their companies. There are so many different technology solutions to help virtually augment the risk management team from wearables, RMIS platforms, and app-based solutions. It’s really exciting to see such innovation and creativity in our industry that can help to mitigate and control losses for organizations.
Climate change and political issues/risks as companies go global will continue to be a hot topic. That is why we are focusing on global development so we can be positioned to deliver valuable content and information to the members.
Education – The conference covers so many different things and I always walk away learning something that will help my company mitigate risk. Cyber and vendor risk management are two of the topics I am really looking to learn more about.
Networking – I love getting to see all of my friends every year and make new ones that I can exchange ideas with or learn from. Having this face to face contact really helps to cement and strengthen relationships. I am able to meet with other risk managers, underwriters and other service providers all in one convenient location.
The Destination – The RIMS staff always picks a fabulous place to visit! RIMS 2020 will be in Denver, Colo., and a little later (May 3-6) to avoid the snow. Denver has great food and nightlife so if you get to venture away from the conference, you are sure to have fun!
I can’t wait to see what new ideas and trends are emerging that we can focus on and learn about in 2020.