Navigating Today’s M&A Waters

As interest rate hikes stabilize in 2024, firms have an opportunity to make more headway in their mergers and acquisitions (M&A) strategy.
Vantage Insurance Partners founder and CEO Alex Panlilio discusses the pitfalls buyers should avoid when it comes to operational integration and economic alignment and offers key advice to agencies on how to prepare for selling in the near term.
I believe buyers need to have a clear and distinct messaging around the level of autonomy after a sale. When you’re doing 25+ acquisitions annually with each firm operating independently, you do miss out on the “layup” efficiencies that a consolidation offers. Operating as one firm becomes unwieldy and the ability to scale becomes a challenge. So, there’s a crucial need for some level of integration and centralization, especially for financial controls and consolidated data around your book of business.
At Vantage, we fully integrate sub-acquisitions into our platform partners, but our platform partners maintain their independent culture, processes and systems. We utilize technology to connect all platforms’ production and financial systems, so we have a consolidated view of all the financial and book of business data at the top level. It’s about finding a balance while fostering cross-organizational effectiveness. The key is integrating where it matters most while respecting the autonomy of our partners.
We have been very active in finding high-quality platform partners as well as many subacq partners under our platforms. Our platform partners stay economically aligned as we buy a majority stake in their firm, while they maintain a personally meaningful (direct) minority stake. Partnering with us enables our platform partners to become more acquisitive as we become their M&A arm—we build their subacq pipeline, conduct due diligence, structure, finance and integrate the deal.
While our primary focus is on acquisitions, we prioritize a balanced approach between organic and inorganic growth for our partners by providing operational and organic initiatives to supplement their efforts. Our platform partners continue to maintain significantly high organic growth rates, well above industry average. This success stems from our partners’ strong economic alignment with us and their control over their businesses, ensuring continued growth in a sustainable fashion.