Michael Fitzpatrick

Fitzpatrick is technology editor and a contributing writer.
Digital Focus Drives Growth 
Industry Digital Focus Drives Growth 
Q&A with Guy Goldstein, CEO and Co-Founder, Next Insurance
July 15, 2024
Getting the Price Right
Industry Getting the Price Right
Q&A with Amrit Santhirasenan, Co-Founder and CEO, Hyperexponential
May 26, 2024
Sun in a Bottle
Industry Sun in a Bottle
Q&A with Steven Cowley, Director, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
April 30, 2024
The Ever-More Modern Marketplace
Industry The Ever-More Modern Marketplace
Q&A with Gilbert Harrap, CEO, InsurX
April 1, 2024
The Golden Thread
Brokerage Ops The Golden Thread
Q&A with Rob Bartlett, Co-Founder and CEO, and Ken Fraser, Co-Founder and Presid...
March 1, 2024